A downloadable game

I wrote this tool for Drømmevandring - Gygaxian Democracy jam.

----- Drømmevandring Oracle -----

Consult the Oracle when you want to get informations about the world, about situations that are external to your PC and not strictly dependent on his Abilities. It’s useful to get inspired or when playing in solo mode.

State a closed question (i.e. answerable with yes/no) and roll 1d12

Generally you roll the die and keep the result as it comes out, but you can apply a situational and context-dependent bonus/penality of +1/-1 to the roll (in any case, consider 1 as the minimum and 6 as the maximum result). 

AND is used to increase the effect. 
YES AND: the answer is affirmative and there is something else positive; NO AND: the answer is negative and something is worse than expected.

BUT is used to introduce an element opposite to the effect.
YES BUT: the answer is affirmative but there is something wrong (a cost); NO BUT: the answer is negative but there is something good.

----- Examples -----
● I find a guy lost in the woods. Is he friendly? I roll 1d12: 2 NO AND. So, the guy has no good intentions and... he is not alone.

● There is a door. Is it closed? I roll 1d12: 6 NO BUT. The door is open but... there is a trap  just past the entrance.

----- License -----
CC BY-SA International 4.0


Drømmevandring - Oracle.pdf 11 MB
Drømmevandring - Oracle.jpg 2.8 MB


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Why use d12 and not a d6? With d6 the situational modifier would be, well, twice as meaningfull.

(2 edits) (+1)

It's the opposite of what I was looking for. I wanted a modifier that affected the probability but didn't have too much weight. 

 With a d6 - and this modifier - 1 (no and...) and 6 (yes and..) are no longer considered as results (bonus+1/penalty -1). With a d12 you don't neutralize any results.


so you wanted a bonus that didn’t do much some times. Why? What’s the point in having +1 if it would not tip the scale to your favor half the time?

I mean - would you feel good about having a +1 and rolling a 9 for it simply to be bumped up to a 10 and giving you basically nothing different? With d6 that’s never the case  

as to 1 and 6 on a d6 not being the results with bonus/penalty - it is the same for 1 and 12 on a d12 with the same bonus/penalty. 

I just don’t see the reason for simply doubling every number but keeping same core mechanic. What’s the big difference between a 11 and a 12 chance of hitting either one of those is the same as any number on a d6. 

(1 edit)

It depends on how you want the Oracle.
I like that it is unpredictable, that every outcome is always possible, that the modifier is a hope that things will get better, but not a certainty.

With the d6 a +1/-1 modifier eliminates the possibility of obtaining Yes and.../No and... as a result; in this case the possibility is reduced, but still possible (it lowers the probability of obtaining No and... from 16.67% to approximately 8.33%).

If you prefer to use a d6, you are welcome.

“I like that it is unpredictable, that every outcome is always possible, that the modifier is a hope that things will get better, but not a certainty.”

Hmm. That’s cool. I like it. It makes those adding bonuses and penalties increase hope/despair level of a roll. Neat)

Thank you!